„She was a girl from Bucharest, Doinița. (…) I was nice enough to let her use my place to legally register her business.” Who was „Doinița,” and how did she find her way into AUR’s political ranks, via PSD? Dozens of pro-AUR political websites were paying to amplify propaganda and conspiracy theories on social media, investigative outlet context.ro revealed in June 2024. The same phenomenon was reported by adevărul.ro at the end of November, following the first round of the presidential elections. These websites and their associated Facebook accounts posted „articles” and messages promoting Călin Georgescu while discrediting Elena Lasconi,… Read More
Categorie: English version, aur, călin georgescu, conspiracy theories, elena lasconi, propaganda, Romania
Sursa: PRESShub
The wave of propaganda for AUR and Călin Georgescu, started from the home of a leader of the party founded by Dan Voiculescu @PressHub.ro
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